
Another New Year, Another New Blog

Well, hello there - happy 2014 and welcome to yet another tt pet project! Did you think we needed another outlet for him to spam us all with? Sigh anyway, I wanted to create a new space to share my thoughts about life, my experiences and my observations about the world around me. I think as compared to my other blogs, this is intended to be more objective and thoughtful… but we’ll see. Gotta still keep that tt flair, ya know?

Anyway, as per every year, I like to reflect on what was the previous year - 2013, in this case - and do some light goal setting and forecasting for what’s to come for me in the following year. 2013 for a lot of us, me included, was a destination, milestone year. It’s kind of crazy for me to think about this but everything that I had done, tried, failed at and accomplished up until this past year was in preparation for that one moment as I walked across the Greek Theatre stage to accept my symbolic blank scroll from the University of California, Berkeley. In one way or another, every experience in college and even in high school, was one that would add yet another page in my life’s repertoire and a possibility for something bigger in the future. I played violin all throughout high school. Did I ever pick it up after my final senior year concert? Hell no! But I can’t say it didn't cross my mind to explore an orchestral career later in life. I took an insect biology class in college, despite my extreme hatred of all things 6+ legged. But hey, maybe there would be a possibility that I would eventually create advertisements for bug spray and would need that knowledge sometime along the line. Who knows? Everything of which up until this point had absolutely no consequence other than the loss of time. (Which at the point, meant nothing because graduation felt like light years away… Until it happened…) I don’t know if I’m just more intentional about everything I do, but there has always been an inherent need for me to add more and more experiences to my book, just so I can be the most equipped when it comes time to finally sign the dotted line and commit to my own reality, which brings me to 2013.

The idea of graduating and closing a chapter on my academic life didn't mean anything to me until I actually sat down to write this post. The harsh reality at this very moment is that now, the chips are all really down, the hurrah is seriously over, and where I've landed is where I've really landed. Nope, can’t go to medical school anymore, sorry parents. Nope, can’t really just change my mind next semester and switch it up and go into corporate finance. (Not that I would ever, BLEH) This idea of closing doors and foregoing opportunities has never really been in my thought process until this year, and I kind of like it. I walked across that stage with a Business Administration and Media Studies degree in one hand and a job offer at AKQA in another, and that’s what it was going to be. The possibilities are still endless in terms of what I can accomplish and achieve moving forward but now, there’s actually a concrete path, one that I created for myself. Part of what made 2013 so meaningful was that now, I was living for me and what I set out to do. With all this excitement and newfound decision-making power came with its own stresses like what? Bills? Consequences? Wait, if I skip work, I can get fired? I guess if I want to! All without the lovely safety net of some higher authority who's going to come in to save in the day. I am my own superman.

This idea of closing doors and choosing certain paths along the many forks of life has shown me to be more intentional and as I've come into myself more, it’s become how I want to approach 2014. In 2014, I am seeking more quality experiences across everything - food, travel, relationships, work. All my life, it’s been about go, go, go; create as many experiences as possible just so you can say you did it, get more instagram followers, be friends with everyone. But after having said that you've tried all the ramen shops in San Francisco, can you actually remember why you actually liked or disliked each bowl of noodles you ate? I need to stop and smell the roses, as cliche and old as that may be. Appreciate what is around me and not be so number and ‘likes’ obsessed, which is so difficult for me as a person that is constantly vying for attention and validation. It's definitely going to be a process but I feel like it’s a great daily reminder for me to remember why I’m doing something. (Also it’s kind of the crux of ESFPs but we can get into Myers Briggs later.)

So yeah, here we are, a little late to ball as we warm up to the 2nd day of January, but here none the less - all decked out in camo, my nike running shoes, and of course, a beautiful cotton cashmere sweater. I’m excited for another year of proving myself and challenging myself to be the best version of me. There is now a defined path that I’m walking on now, but I’m adding yellow bricks to it day by day. Whether my Oz lies nestled here in the heart of San Francisco or possibly across the country in the concrete jungle where dreams are made of - I don’t know. My adventure is just beginning - let’s get it on 2014!